privacy policy

T his privacy Policy declaration will show you AllMyJojo uses private information from its users. We respect your privacy and we promise to protect it.

Hence, we thought it fit to inform you:

  1. The type of information we may collect as you use this site and how such information may be used.
  2. Our privacy policy only applies to AllMyJojo. Any third party website mentioned or linked to is not covered by this privacy policy.

What type of Information Do We Collect and for what Purpose Is It used?

  1. We may collect your names or Email address that you voluntarily submit when subscribe to our list or leave a comment on this blog.
  2. We may collect back-end user information like computer’s IP address and browser information in order to help us customize the site content for our users and improve user experience.
  3. We may use third-party advertising companies to serve contents on this blog and our advertising partners may use cookies. But the use of cookies is to help streamline the contents to your need. We do not share your personal information with our ad partners.
  4. We use Google Analytics – only to track site traffic and audience statistics. We do not pass any personally identifiable information to Google Analytics.
  5. We are involved in sponsored campaigns in partnership with brands and agencies. All our sponsored contents are disclosed as required by FTC.

    Our campaign partners may use of tracking pixels [web beacons] or cookies. It is only to track the result of such campaigns. We do not share your personally identifiable information with them.

Third-Party Use of Personal Information

This section fully explains instances on which personal information on this site may be passed to an applicable third party.

  1. We use Mailmunch for delivering email updates and newsletters to our subscribers. So, we may need to send our blog updates to your email address using their site.
  2. Please follow this link to learn more on MailMunch privacy Policy and how they treat such information.
  3. We do not sell, distribute or reveal your names, email address or any other personal information to any party.
  4. Your personal information is strictly protected and it’s not shared with any other third party agent.

You can Ask For Deletion of Personal Information

You are free to decline submitting your personal information. If you do, it might only prevent you from receiving some updates from this blog. Nothing more.


Please do check back this page occasionally to keep your eyes on any updates on our privacy policy.